Setting Goals for Neurological Rehabilitation

As “Goals and outcomes of neurological rehabilitation” by Christchurch Group points out, it’s important to set SMART goals for neurological rehabilitation. This means setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant (or Realistic), and Timely. An example of this would be setting a goal for someone to walk without a mobility aid for a certain amount of distance over a certain amount of time, as the video shares. SMART goals are important because they give the patient and the treatment team a doable focus.
While a goal such as “walking better” might be a good one to have, it’s not specific enough or measurable enough for the treatment team or patient to determine when they have reached that goal.
The neurology field offers several different measures for determining what goals to set and how to gauge when a goal is met. One of those measurements is the Bartel Index. The Bartel Index measures physical functioning for the most part. Another measuring tool neurologists can use is FIM/FAM Index, which is also called the Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure. Tools like these help professionals set goals that lead to realistic outcomes for neurological rehabilitation.