The Complete Process from Mixing to Cement Service

Cement is a very crucial component of construction, and it’s used to make concrete alongside other elements like coarse aggregate, sand, and water. Concrete plays a vital role in the durability and serviceability of structures. For instance, it’s used in well drilling; according to the narrator in the video, a properly designed and implemented cement job provides casing support during continued drilling. How does cement move from mixing to cement service?
To be delivered for use, cement and other components, including coarse aggregate, sand, and water, are weighed in a process known as batching. Batching can either be done by material volume or material weight.
The next step is mixing the weighed materials. These materials can be mixed by hand or using a cement mixer. In both methods, the dry materials should be first mixed when dry and then mixed when water is added to achieve a uniform color and consistency.
When the cement is appropriately mixed, its transported from the mixing plant to the site; this is commonly known as cement service. When transporting the cement mix, the aim is to ensure that the air content, consistency, and homogeneity don’t change.