Choosing the Right Glass for Your Repair

Did you know that 71 percent of the cost of replacing windows can typically be recouped for home owners via energy cost savings? There are several reasons you might need energy efficient replacement windows. An obvious reason is if a window breaks or cracks. If your house experiences drafts or excessive cold in the winter, or if your windows rattle a lot on windy days, you might also need replacement windows.
Double paned windows are popular choices since they cut down on noise and heat transfer much more than single paned windows. If you need to repair broken window glass in your home, this will probably be the best option for you, especially in terms of window energy efficiency and the money you will save from not losing heat in the winter. The department of energy estimates that 30 billion dollars are lost every year when people use single, rather than double pane windows.
Another option is window films, which are less expensive than the average replacement windows. Films are usually dyed or metallized, which can be transparent in appearance, so that solar radiation is converted to infrared radiation and then bounced back out. In a home, this can not only help to reduce energy costs, but can also prevent interior fading.
To repair broken window glass, it is best to call a professional, since glass needs to be either heated back together or, if the crack is too large, replaced. When people want to repair broken window glass it is usually for cars, in which case a crack can be as long as 12 inches. After this length it is often impossible for the average car shop to repair it. Window repair costs vary depending on the length and placement of the crack, as well as the type of glass.
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interesting that windows can help homeowners save money! its not something youd normally think about
you give general vague references for price but do you know EXACTLY how much the average double paned window costs?
you give general vague references for price but do you know EXACTLY how much the average double paned window costs?
you give general vague references for price but do you know EXACTLY how much the average double paned window costs?
you give general vague references for price but do you know EXACTLY how much the average double paned window costs?
you give general vague references for price but do you know EXACTLY how much the average double paned window costs?
you give general vague references for price but do you know EXACTLY how much the average double paned window costs?