How to Repair and Perform Seawall Maintenance

In order to replace a seawall, or perform general seawall maintenance, you first need to understand what components make up a seawall. Concrete panels that are vertically interlocked, and tied together by a concrete cap, hold the walls straight up into their rigid position. There are holes in the wall itself to allow drainage which prevents pressure from building up behind the wall.
If you are looking to remove an existing seawall, the demolition using an excavator is relatively simple. Replacing the wall, however, includes all new parts as well as fixing the land around it. You begin the replacement by digging out the ground behind the wall in order to take out the current panels.
Once this is cleared you can begin to place new seawall panels in the ground, securing them to the land with tieback rods. The rods must get welded into the structure. After this, you can begin to pour concrete to form the wall. You must check your drainage outfall before proceeding to backfill and place rock bags down. The last step is to clean up the area around the wall by placing sod down as well as riprap and geotextile cloth.
During this entire process, inspectors will be there to monitor the progress and ensure everything is running to code and being done safely.