What You Should Know for Your Basic Kitchen Plumbing Repair

A basket strainer is an essential part of most kitchen plumbing systems. Due to faults that cause them to stop working efficiently, the need to change them sometimes arises. The YouTube video “Leaky Sink: Basket Strainer” demonstrates how to replace them.
The first step is to pull off the T-junction but leave the water trap in place to prevent exposure to sewer gases. You’ll only need a few simple tools and materials to repair that leaky sink.
The strainer might sometimes cause a leak. During aftermarket sink repairs, it is typical for the sink strainer to be inadequately sealed to the sink drain opening. Examine the strainer assembly for any brightly colored leaks. Clean out the drain opening of all the old plumber’s putty.
This is when the putty knife comes in handy. Take care not to scratch the sink with the knife’s keen edge. If you’re reusing an old strainer body, clean it fully. If the old filter has a leaky hole, use a cold epoxy weld to plug the hole. This should be done in dry conditions to ensure that the epoxy weld fastens properly. The old washers and gaskets should be changed for the best results. Also, reach out to plumbing professionals for kitchen plumbing repair rather than opting for a DIY fix.