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What Are SAG Mills?

A semi-autogenous (SAG) mill is a type of grinding equipment common in mineral processing. SAG mills carry out the grinding process with a small amount of ball charge as shown in the video. Mining companies that deal with silver, gold, platinum, nickel, zinc, lead, and copper prefer to use SAG mills.

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SAG Mills Vs. AG Mills

Another machine also popular with mining companies is the Autogenous (AG) grinding mill. Both SAG and AG mills are used in mineral processing operations. However, each machine has unique characteristics and operates differently.

SAG mills combine rock particles and steel balls into grinding ore. To achieve the desired grind size, SAG mills work in coordination with either a pebble or ball mill. AG mills, on the other hand, grind the ore without using any other material.

In comparison to AG mills, SAG mills are larger and are therefore capable of grinding larger ore quantities. AG mills work well at grinding smaller quantities of ore. With a larger diameter and longer length, SAG mills have a higher power consumption rate. AG mills’ small length and diameter reduce their power consumption rate.

SAG mills require a higher capital investment than AG mills. Unlike AG mills which have a simpler design, SAG mills have higher maintenance costs. SAG mills’ use of rock particles and steel balls in its grinding operations means it requires maintenance frequently.

Comparing SAG mills Vs AG mills helps you to identify the best equipment for your mining operations. While both perform the same tasks, the machines have different designs, capabilities, and modes of operation. Use AG mills when you require smaller quantities and SAG mills for larger quantities.

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