Creating a Commercial Concrete Driveway

You may have seen driveways or parking lots getting poured, but have you ever thought of how this process happens? Watch this video to learn more about commercial concrete pouring!
For this specific driveway, with the dimensions being 24 feet wide and a depth of seven inches, there is a subgrade that consists of three percent live stabilized soil, which gets compacted. The rebar gets set on eighteen-inch centers prior to the concrete being poured. This concrete will harden within thirty hours, as opposed to a typical concrete mix that sometimes takes over three days.
The concrete is relatively dry when it is poured to prevent any running downhill that the workers would then have to shovel back into place.
Several tools are needed when pouring concrete. You will need a shovel, a hand and edge trowel, a concrete float, a two by six or piece of wood or aluminum, and a broom. While the concrete leaves a nice finish itself, the float is used to help smooth out any blemishes in the pour. Depending on the job, the sidewalk may also need to be poured. The process is the same, with only an additional scoring of the concrete to distinguish the different sections. The contractors need to work as a team in a timely manner in order to achieve a flawless, finished product.