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Need to Invest in Product Packaging? Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know About Sustainability

Top branding companies

The green movement has been in swing in the United States for years. With the ever increasing amount of people living and using resources on the planet, measures must be taken in order to ensure that humanity does not run out of valuable resources. One of the ways that companies are striving to reduce the waste that is produced by their products is sustainable packaging design. Product packaging designers who are able to lessen the waste that products leave behind are in high demand right now. Here are a few facts you need to know about the benefits of sustainable packaging design before you hire someone to help you design it for your new product.

Did you know that around 30 percent of the 100 most valuable brands in the world were developed before 1900? In all that time of business, most of these companies have had to go through changes in their packaging as different materials became available and went out of style. Many of the classic companies are investing in creative packaging designs that can be more easily recycled. Even the huge soda companies have been investing in soda bottles that use less plastic.

Recent market studies have shown that strong corporate branding image will boost your stock value of between 5 to 7 percent. One of the best ways that you can do achieve this is by hiring a designer that can help you to create a dynamic and memorable logo. You might even be able to hire someone who can also help you to design sustainable packaging for your products.

While you are working on investing in the best packaging, you should also be working on your online marketing. A lot of people will choose a company that puts a priority on sustainability these days, Making sure that your site is easily found and works well on any device will help you to take advantage of this. In fact, around 51 percent of online shoppers are more likely to buy from a website that has mobile optimization.

While you are working on your online presence in connection to your sustainable packaging design, you will also need to work on your social media presence. Around 47 percent of marketers believe that facebook is a necessary tool for brand advertisement. Interesting content is one of the top 3 reasons people follow brands on social media websites. All of these methods in conjunction will be the best way to drum up some more business for your company while taking care of the environment. Refernce materials.

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