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Give Your Golf Game and Your Health a Boost With Technology

Watchband monitors

In 2012, getting healthy and fit ranked as one of the top five New Year’s resolutions, according to Statistic Brain. If your upcoming New Year’s resolution involves getting into better shape, then you might consider easing slowly into an exercise routine, and starting with some activity that you truly enjoy. For example, if you love to golf, then why not make the game a path to achieving your goals? Golfing is a low impact sport, making it an ideal first step for anyone who is not accustomed to working out. With the addition of health tech and golf training aids, you can track your progress, get fit, and improve your game at the same time.

Skip the golf cart.

The best fitness devices around track your movement, your heart rate, how many calories you burn, and much more. Most armband monitors can do this, but some wristbands or watchband devices also offer all of these features. If you want to make golfing a part of your exercise, then you should let someone else ride the golf cart. Walking is a great form of exercise, and walking a full golf course once or twice a week can mean logging some serious steps. Use armband and wristband monitors to see exactly how far you walked, and what your heart rate indicated.

Give the caddy a day off.

The Rose Center for Health and Sports Sciences recently found that a golfer on a 9-hole golf course, carrying their own bag, could burn up to 721 calories. If you’re not ready for that kind of exertion yet, then try simply walking the course until you feel comfortable adding the weight of your golf bag. Many fitness gadgets will sync up to an application on your mobile device, so from game to game you can see the data that was logged, and your progress as the weeks go by.

Work on your swing.

Golf training aids like the 3BaysGSA have incredible motion sensing technology. They can track factors such as club head speed, face angle, swing path, tempo, back swing time, impact force, ball speed, carry distance, and consistency, so that you can make the necessary adjustments to improve on your game. Additionally, it has been determined that an hour-long session at the driving range can burn about 200 calories.

In the New Year, getting in shape doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym. Getting fit and healthy can be as simple as doing an activity you love, and pushing yourself to make that activity more beneficial to your health. Incorporating fitness technology and golf training aids will make you more mindful of how those efforts are contributing to your healthier future, and an at par golf score.

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