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Converting Clickers to Loyal Clientele Three Tips for Vet Websites

Vca vet referral associates

Did you know that about 40% of people will leave a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load? When you are trying to build a professional website for your veterinary clinic, there are many factors to consider other than just the appearance of the site.

For many people, especially those who use Google search in place of a phone book, your website will be their first and last look at your business. Will they contact you, or move to the next site? Here are three things you’ll need to work on in order to convert clickers into loyal clientele.

1. Covering the Three Key Basics

Speed, navigation, information. These three aspects of web design are integral to making sure people who finally get to your site, actually stay. About 46% of online users have had difficulty interacting with a page; you don’t want that to be your site. If your pages need a lot of refurbishing, you might want to consider hiring professional veterinary website designers. They will have experience in making sure vet websites upload quickly, are easy to navigate, and have all the necessary information. Did you know that speed can impact not only user experience, but how Google ranks your site, as well? A web designer can help reduce your load time by removing unnecessary data and engaging with smarter scripting.

2. Vet Websites Invoking a Call-to-Action

Website design isn’t just about layout; it’s also about the little prompts and reminders to use your service. Many people don’t realize how frequently call-to-action prompts influence user purchase decisions. However, the data is clear. Neil Patel, a top web influencer, has shown how accompanying his “add to cart” text with an image increased conversions by almost 30 percent. Use buttons and pop-up screens to encourage readers to ask for free estimates, subscribe to free newsletters, or find out more about you. You’re not just offering information; you’re offering a service to your visitors.

3. Veterinary Marketing is an Important Part of Web Presence

By using the above tip to obtain email addresses of viewers who would like to receive free updates and newsletters, you can successfully improve your ROI using email marketing tactics. Neil Patel points out that simply switching to a more professional email service can influence return rates through better delivery services; he was able to improve his email click-through rate from 11% to 18% this way. With web design tactics today, it’s also easy to incorporate Facebook, Youtube and Twitter links into your website when it is appropriate.

What tips would you give for improving vet websites? Read more.

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