X Rays! Not Just for Specs Anymore!

A week after Wilhelm Rontgen discovered the x ray, he took an x ray photograph of the left hand of his beloved wife. It showed all of her hand bones and her wedding ring clearly in the picture. Shortly after, her hand atrophied and fell off. Just kidding, that last part did not happen. But x rays have been cool for a long time now, and they were utilized very early on. This was all before doctors realized that ionizing radiation is dangerous, that is.
The X in x ray is because it is a type of electromagnetic radiation that was previously unknown prior to its discovery, and therefore was an unknown element. Think back to when you took algebra in high school, it will make sense. X rays are just one part of the greater whole in the field of radiology. Radiology is the study of images of the human body, and it does not have to be done strictly with x rays. Radiology can also be done with computed topography, mammography, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, and even nuclear medicine (wtf?!). They all sound like sources for how super heroes got their powers.
As long as x rays have been around, x ray accessories have been around as well. X ray accessories can be radiation protection products such as lead glasses or lead aprons. Leaded glasses and aprons serve to protect the technician in the room with the device, because wearing the x ray accessories protects all of the vital squishy bits from being exposed to too much radiation and therefore turning him into the Hulk. Yes, I know the Hulk was gamma radiation. It is just an example.
Other accessories could be other protective shields that are wheeled about the room, a stand for the x ray machine itself, or trays that are designed to hold the utensils and tools needed while using an x ray device. While x rays may be dangerous in larger quantities, they have provided great amounts of medical help since they have been discovered. And in the right amounts, they have saved countless lives. Good references here.
x rays are a lot cooler than anyone gives them credit for. they are so common place now, no one ever really thinks about them. but the science behind them and what they can do is actually quite fascinating when you take the time to learn about it
let me guess, you are going to school for radiology or are already a radiologist? I do not think that anyone besides radiologist could find x rays all that interesting. yeah, they are helpful, but come one. “actually quite fascinating”? please
let me guess, you are going to school for radiology or are already a radiologist? I do not think that anyone besides radiologist could find x rays all that interesting. yeah, they are helpful, but come one. “actually quite fascinating”? please
let me guess, you are going to school for radiology or are already a radiologist? I do not think that anyone besides radiologist could find x rays all that interesting. yeah, they are helpful, but come one. “actually quite fascinating”? please
let me guess, you are going to school for radiology or are already a radiologist? I do not think that anyone besides radiologist could find x rays all that interesting. yeah, they are helpful, but come one. “actually quite fascinating”? please
let me guess, you are going to school for radiology or are already a radiologist? I do not think that anyone besides radiologist could find x rays all that interesting. yeah, they are helpful, but come one. “actually quite fascinating”? please