What Are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

Did you know that your toothbrush could be harboring bacteria? Ew! And with the average toothbrush having more than 25,000 bristles organized into tuft groups of 40, that is a whole lot places for bacteria to grow.
This is why you need to use hot water when you rinse the brush off before putting it away, and be sure to replace it every three months or immediately after you have been sick.
It is important to get rid of the bacteria that is in your mouth, otherwise it could lead to gum disease. There are many gum disease causes but the leading cause is excess tartar build up. This explains why Americans spend around 1.4 billion dollars a year on tooth whitening.
So how do you know if you have the symptoms of gum disease? Here are some symptoms you should be aware of
- Constant bad breath
- Swollen, red gums
- Pain when chewing
- Sensitive or loose teeth
- Receding gums that are tender or bleed
So, how do you prevent gum disease?
By brushing at least twice a day, and after meals, as well as flossing. Floss gets up and around your teeth, removing the plaque that is sitting there. Floss used to be made from silk, but post WWII floss is made from nylon.
You can also seek cosmetic dentistry, like 51 percent of patients, who are between 41 and 60 years old.
If you have gum disease already, there are oral surgery procedures that your dentist can use to reverse gum disease, or at least stop it from getting any worse.
It is important to treat gum disease before it gets too bad. The symptoms of gum disease speak for themselves.
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I have brushed my teeth twice a day and flossed since I was a kid. I never had any problems.
Is it painful to get treated for gum disease? I know I have it but I have been avoiding the dentist because I know it’s gonna hurt
Is it painful to get treated for gum disease? I know I have it but I have been avoiding the dentist because I know it’s gonna hurt
Is it painful to get treated for gum disease? I know I have it but I have been avoiding the dentist because I know it’s gonna hurt
Is it painful to get treated for gum disease? I know I have it but I have been avoiding the dentist because I know it’s gonna hurt
Is it painful to get treated for gum disease? I know I have it but I have been avoiding the dentist because I know it’s gonna hurt