An Answer to the Question of Which is Better Foreclosure or Bankruptcy?

Which is better foreclosure or bankruptcy? In order to answer the question, a number of factors must be considered, for example, bankruptcy attorney fees, whether chapter 7 11 and 13 bankruptcy are appropriate for your particular situation, how bankruptcy works for people who have similar financial obligations to you, and whether you can afford bankruptcy in indiana. all of these issues must be considered when trying to decide which is better foreclosure or bankruptcy? Even if you sort all of that out, you still may not have a concrete answer.
during September of 2012, one out of every 747 housing units received a foreclosure filing notice in Indiana. That is a lot of foreclosure indiana was experiencing at that time. We cannot be sure whether any of those homeowners was able to answer for themselves which is better foreclosure or bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy does, however, have a good many things to recommend about it when we ask the question, which is better foreclosure or bankruptcy, despite the fact that Sports Illustrated has reported that more than 75 percent of professional athletes are either bankrupt or facing serious financial difficulties in the two years after their careers have ended. This makes sense when you consider that the top three causes behind personal bankruptcy filings are job loss, medical problems, and divorce. The first two are often experienced by pro athletes, and the the third is certainly quite common.
The most important thing to remember when asking the question which is better foreclosure or bankruptcy is that you can rebuild your credit after you have filed for bankruptcy. As well, there are very few debts that bankruptcy cannot get rid of. The debts that you will still owe even after declaring bankruptcy are student loans and taxes. Does that answer for you which is better foreclosure or bankruptcy? I hope it does! Visit here for more.
My mom has a house in foreclosure right now, and the bank lost her original mortgage paperwork so she is actually allowed to stay there pretty much forever. therefore, I think foreclosure is better,
OK, but that happens to almost no one. Your mom has a situation that is a total fluke, like winning the lottery. So you cannot really make any recommendations based on how things have gone for her.
OK, but that happens to almost no one. Your mom has a situation that is a total fluke, like winning the lottery. So you cannot really make any recommendations based on how things have gone for her.
OK, but that happens to almost no one. Your mom has a situation that is a total fluke, like winning the lottery. So you cannot really make any recommendations based on how things have gone for her.
OK, but that happens to almost no one. Your mom has a situation that is a total fluke, like winning the lottery. So you cannot really make any recommendations based on how things have gone for her.
OK, but that happens to almost no one. Your mom has a situation that is a total fluke, like winning the lottery. So you cannot really make any recommendations based on how things have gone for her.