A Dip to Dive Into

The Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade was petitioned in October of 2008 by the Association of Lebanese Industrialists to give protect the status of hummus from the European Commission as a uniquely Lebanese food. That being said, hummus dips have origins in several countries in the Middle East. Some of these countries are Israel, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, and Palestine.
There are several different varieties of hummus dips. Each culture and reported origin of the the dip have their own hummus dip recipes. In Arabic, the word hummus means “chickpeas.” In Arabic, hummus dips are called “hummus bi tahini,” which means “chickpeas with tahini.” In America, the dip is simply known as hummus.
As the Arabic name suggests, hummus is largely composed of chickpeas. The chickpeas are cooked and mashed together with various blends of tahini, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and olive oil. Although it is a middle eastern food, it is served around the globe.
Hummus dips are fairly healthy. They are a good source of vitamin C and iron. Hummus dips also are high in vitamin B6 and folate. For every one tablespoon serving, completely prepared hummus dips have about two grams worth of carbohydrates and twenty five calories.
Hummus dips are often used as appetizers. It is generally scooped with a flatbread, such as pita bread. Many other meals, such as chicken, are supplemented with hummus dips to add flavor. Hummus is a foreign cuisine that can add flair to any meal or provide you with a small and healthy snack.
I have never actually tried the stuff. I could never bring myself to do it. Not only did it not look very appetizing, but it also smelled gross. I cannot stand the smell of it, so I am not about to try and eat it.
I do not like the smell of hummus either. One day I was working at my desk and I had this awful smell wafting up at me for a couple of hours before I found it. Somebody had thrown their hummus container away in a nearby garbage.
I do not like the smell of hummus either. One day I was working at my desk and I had this awful smell wafting up at me for a couple of hours before I found it. Somebody had thrown their hummus container away in a nearby garbage.
I do not like the smell of hummus either. One day I was working at my desk and I had this awful smell wafting up at me for a couple of hours before I found it. Somebody had thrown their hummus container away in a nearby garbage.
I do not like the smell of hummus either. One day I was working at my desk and I had this awful smell wafting up at me for a couple of hours before I found it. Somebody had thrown their hummus container away in a nearby garbage.
I do not like the smell of hummus either. One day I was working at my desk and I had this awful smell wafting up at me for a couple of hours before I found it. Somebody had thrown their hummus container away in a nearby garbage.