What is So Special About Diamond Concrete Polishing ?

Polished concrete flooring is made when the original concrete pour is sanded with a series of fine diamond grinders. This is known as diamond concrete polishing. The aesthetic value of polished concrete floors is apparent to just about anyone. The beautiful sheen of diamond concrete polishing is often enhanced by the use of scored designs and patterns on the surface. As well, concrete floors may be dyed prior to diamond concrete polishing, making the finished product even more lovely. However, looks alone do not reveal the reasons behind the popularity of diamond concrete polishing.
diamond concrete polishing creates floors that are not as slippery as polished marble or waxed linoleum. Often, floors that have been through diamond concrete polishing often exceed OSHA safety standards. This is one reason why diamond concrete polishing makes a great floor surface for areas that have a lot of foot traffic. With diamond concrete polishing, building owners do not need to worry about people slipping and falling down. That may be why diamond polished concrete flooring is so popular in schools, airplane hangars, restaurants, automobile showrooms, event centers, and hotels.
Concrete polishing has been done for a long time because it is inexpensive and durable. Often, diamond polished concrete floors can last a century. The cost of maintenance for a concrete polished floor is about 60 percent lower than the cost of maintenance for vinyl composition tile.
Another reason that diamond concrete polishing is so popular is that concrete polished floors are so easy to keep clean. Substances such as oil, paint, and other materials that often create a big mess and leave unsightly stains on other types of flooring are easily removed from polished concrete. Polished concrete floors only require regular mopping with soapy water to keep them clean. They do not need to be waxed or buffed. If it is important to you to have a building that is easy to clean and maintain, diamond concrete polishing is a great option for you.
So that is why so many floors in airports and municipal buildings look exactly alike!
I disagree that those kinds of floors are not slippery. I fell on one when I was a kid and man did it hurt.